*0>About the GameNThe object of this game is to hit the ball with the paddle to destroy all theLblocks to progress to the next level. If you miss the ball with the paddle,Fyou loose that paddle. You are given three paddles to start the game.JCertain blocks will drop pellets that will help or hinder your game play.JPellets that are hit with your paddle can change the ball or your paddle.*1>About the Game (cont.)NDuring the game you will be be faced with enemies. Destroy these and you willIget extra points. Some enemies are menaces while others are destructive.*2 >GeneralJFor all available buttons, you can get quick access help. By pressing theJright mouse button over any button, a window will appear with some simplehelp messages.NIf you would like the game to move by quicker, you can press the Shift key to6speed up any animation sequence during the game play.*3>General (cont.)LIf during the game you would like to pause the game, simply press the rightGmouse button. When paused, you have the option to continue playing the'game by clicking on the "Play" button.MTo quit the game during play, you must first click on the right mouse buttonHand activate the pause window. From the pause window, you can quit your/current game by clicking on the "Quit" button.*4 >The PaddleNYou can use the paddle to simply ricochet the ball, or slice it. If you sliceKthe ball, it will send the ball in a different angle. The ball must be hit8by the edge of the paddle in order for it to be sliced.*5>The Paddle (cont.)OIf the ball hits the general center area of the paddle, the ball will ricochetKin the same angle but in the opposite direction from which it came. If theKball hits the left or right side of the paddle it will go back in the samedirection from which it came.*6 >The Blocks ^[0][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]LEach block is worth 25 points. All the standard blocks need only one hit toObe destroyed. Some blocks will need a variety of several hits to be destroyed:+(20)(GREEN:__[13] 1 hit by red ball (no pts)(BRONZE:_[10] 2 hits to destroy (50 pts)(SILVER:_[11] 3 hits to destroy (75 pts)*GOLD:__[12] Can not be destroyed (no pts)*7 >The PelletsMPellets are hidden behind the different blocks. When certain blocks are hit,Ia pellet will roll down. Some pellets will give the paddle more power byJadding a laser gun or missle launcher to the paddle. Others will have theOopposite effect, such as shortening the paddle or making the ball move faster.*8>The Pellets (cont.)KEvery time you hit a pellet, it will cancel the old function of the pelletOand the new one will be implemented. For example, if you first caught a pelletJthat shortens the paddle, the size of the paddle will change accordingly.KThen, if you catch the magnet paddle, the paddle's size will change and asKwell as its function. The only exception to this is when you have multiplyballs.*9>The Pellets (cont.)+(36)EXIT:__[20] exit to next level'EXTRA:__[21] gives you an extra paddle$MISSLE:_[22] adds a missle launcherLASER:__[23] adds a laser gun'CATCH:__[24] paddle becomes magnetized!PLUS:__[25] elongates the paddleMINUS:_[26] shrinks the paddle!POWER:__[27] turns on power ball#DIVIDE:_[28] splits to three balls%FAST:__[29] increases the ball speed%SLOW:__[30] decreases the ball speed*10>The Pellets (cont.)MThe magnet paddle will make the ball stick to the surface of the paddle. TheFball will only adhere to the surface of the paddle on the yellow areaJ(between the green strips.) If the ball touches the areas outside of thisKarea, the ball will repel as normal. By pressing the left mouse button, it,will send the ball back into the game area.*11>The Pellets (cont.)LThe laser gun will destroy the blocks as if they are hit by the ball. MetalJblocks will still need to be hit the same amount of times, similar to theFball, to be destroyed. It takes three laser hits to destroy an enemy.KThe missle drives straight through the blocks clearing a path. Although itKcan not destroy the gold blocks, it will clear the other metal blocks with7one hit. The missle can destroy an enemy with one hit.*12>The Pellets (cont.)MThe power ball will clear the blocks in the path of the ball. The power ball/can also destroy an enemy that is in its path.*13 >The EnemiesKThere are two types of enemies. The menacers will launch different coloredKballs that will hinder the game play. The destroyers will try to kill yourLpaddle. Only one hit from your ball will destroy any enemy. You can kill anNenemy by hitting it with your paddle, however, you will not receive any extra"points for this kind of manuever.*14>The Enemies (cont.)MMenacers: Each menacer has a different tasks. A menacer is worth 250 points.^[40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45]+The cyan ball turns your paddle invisible.2The red ball only destroys metallic green blocks.1The green ball changes blocks to metallic green.0The bronze ball makes a block change to bronze.+The silver ball changes a block to silver.!The pewter ball is a decoy ball.*15>The Enemies (cont.)NThe balls of the enemies are not effective until they have been released fromJthe enemy. Once free flowing, they will cause havoc on your paddle or theblocks they encounter.*16>The Enemies (cont.)OThe red and green menacers work together as a team. The green ball will changeMany block that it hits into a metallic green block. These blocks can only beNdestroyed by the red ball from the red menacer. If you are unfortunate enoughIto have some blocks change to metallic green, then you must wait for theHred menacer to release its ball. This is the only colored ball that can#destroy the green metallic blocks.*17>The Enemies (cont.)LDestroyers: All balls from the destroyers will kill the paddle. Avoid theseIat all times. Because they move faster, they are tricky to destroy. Each3destroyer killed will be an additional 500 points.^[46] [47] [48] [49]*1000